This year, we once again have a great group of students working on SLC. The SLC helps plan and lead the monthly assemblies and Spirit Days. The SLC is also part of social justice projects through out the school year.
We work with Free The Children. This year the students have decided to work on a medical/health care initiative. Two years ago, we raised $10 000 to build a school in Essinoni, Kenya! Last year we collected change to buy 45 goats for Irkaat,Kenya; we learned about sustainability.
Here is our plan for the year:
October– WE SCARE HUNGER- collect nonperishable food for the YWCA!
November– WE ARE RAFIKI- sell Rafiki bracelets.
December– Sock Drive- Admission to Christmas Concert is a pair of new socks! We will also have a collection bin for older students to donate!
Socks will be boxed up and distributed to local schools, YWCA, etc.
January/February– WE BAKE- cupcake sale (proceeds to go towards HEALTH initiative)
March 15th- WE DAY
April– Comedy Night (proceeds to go towards HEALTH initiative)
May– SLC Gr. 6-8 Dance